Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our International Missions Ministry exists to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), preaching the Good News to everyone, everywhere (Mark 16:15). We make it our aim to strengthen missions’ relationships with members of the body of Christ on the International level by:
- Laboring in partnership to reach the lost.
- Refreshing and supporting churches with more opportunities to share the Gospel
by providing necessary supplies and resources.
- Going to the unreached people groups and sharing with them the Good News of Jesus Christ.
- Laboring in partnership to reach the lost.
- Refreshing and supporting churches with more opportunities to share the Gospel
by providing necessary supplies and resources.
- Going to the unreached people groups and sharing with them the Good News of Jesus Christ.

REACH Basketball clinics
Waipahu, HI: July 10-12, 2025
The vision of the REACH Ministry is Outreach using basketball as the means, the avenue for reaching our generation of youth for Jesus Christ. Because the sport of basketball is a universal language, it is our prayer and vision that God would use REACH locally, domestically, and into the whole world (Acts 1:8). For more information, contact Bob Fukui at bobfukui@hawaii.rr.com.