thursday night Home fellowships
Continuing steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. (Acts 2:42)
The purpose of CCPH home fellowships is three-fold:
1. To study God's Word together, correctly interpreting the passage while applying it to daily living.
2. To provide an environment where believers can fellowship in a supportive atmosphere, which will enable us to disciple one another in personal growth (Mt. 28:19); encouraging others to love Jesus more through obedience and servanthood (Heb. 10:24); equipping each other to share with someone about the glorious gospel of truth and freedom (Eph. 4:12).
3. To enjoy worshiping together with songs of praise and fellowship through the breaking of bread.
1. To study God's Word together, correctly interpreting the passage while applying it to daily living.
2. To provide an environment where believers can fellowship in a supportive atmosphere, which will enable us to disciple one another in personal growth (Mt. 28:19); encouraging others to love Jesus more through obedience and servanthood (Heb. 10:24); equipping each other to share with someone about the glorious gospel of truth and freedom (Eph. 4:12).
3. To enjoy worshiping together with songs of praise and fellowship through the breaking of bread.
weekly Meetups
Royal Kunia
Hosts: David & Theresa Sanchez
Thursdays @ 7pm
(808) 383-2033
*Childcare available
Thursdays @ 7pm
(808) 383-2033
*Childcare available
Hosts: Robert & Suzanne Buenaventura
Thursdays @ 7pm
(808) 625-3953
Thursdays @ 7pm
(808) 625-3953
Church Fellowship
Hosts: Philip & Philo Sherrard
Thursdays @ 7pm
(808) 294-7003
Thursdays @ 7pm
(808) 294-7003
care & Support groups
Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2)

Grace Encountered
Grace Encountered's mission is to support family and friends whose loved ones are struggling with same-sex attraction and/or gender dysphoria, or are living a homosexual lifestyle.

Moms In Prayer
Moms In Prayer is a prayer ministry where groups of moms meet to intercede for their children through prayer. The mission is that, through their support, schools may be guided by biblical and high moral standards.

GriefShare helps group members apply biblical principles to the healing process after the death of a loved one. Throughout the videos & workbook, participants will see how the gospel brings hope and restoration.